Protecting your privacy
Nuss provides a range of removal (moving) and relocation services through its various divisions and in doing so is committed to protecting the privacy of clients, taking seriously its responsibility to safeguard the security of personal information entrusted to its care.
Nuss is also committed to providing the highest quality of service possible and in so doing, the nature of the services provided by Nuss requires that they obtain certain personal information from clients – information which is essential to enable them to deliver those services.
Nuss will always write or email (or will telephone) clients during and/or after a move to obtain a performance evaluation on the services provided.
The Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 was passed by the Federal Government to control the collection and use of personal information gathered by companies in the private sector. There are 10 National Privacy Principles which must be complied with.
Further information on the Act may be found by visiting
The Nuss Privacy Policy explains:
What type of personal information Nuss collects.
For what purposes and reasons personal information is collected.
Other organisations and government departments (such as Customs) to which that information may be disclosed.
The rights of individuals to check the information held and how to check it.
What Nuss does to protect that information.
Personal Information ….defined
Personal information, for the purpose of the Nuss Privacy Policy, may be defined as any information describing or pertaining to an identifiable person.
The National Privacy Principles and How Nuss Meets its Legal Obligations
1 Collection
Nuss will only collect information which is required in order to effectively provide its services; this will include details which identify a client and additional details (as the type of service to be provided dictates) relating to value of belongings, family and cultural details.
The information required will normally be collected from the client although when a move or relocation is initiated and/or paid for by a corporate account (employer) then some personal information may be provided to Nuss by the employer or third party so authorised by that employer.
Only those personal details required will be collected and recorded.
In addition to name, address(es), telephone and fax numbers (work, mobile and home), email addresses, date(s) of relocation, Nuss will also require additional information from clients relocating to or from overseas, including but not limited to passport copies (required by government agencies), and completed customs forms. To enable Nuss to successfully deliver relocation and associated settling in services, Nuss will require significantly more information, for example including details on each family member, type of schooling required and the like.
If Insurance cover is to be placed through Nuss, then certain information will be required including a listing of all items to be moved and the values; if Nuss is not arranging insurance cover they will often be asked to obtain the listing from clients to pass on to the Insuring party.
Information may be collected in a variety of ways including:
gathered by asking questions over the telephone or face to face and then recording the information
gathered by requesting that one or more forms be completed and the forms kept and/or information supplied then stored electronically
electronically, with clients completing appropriate fields on the Nuss web and submitting that information to Nuss
supplied to Nuss by email
supplied to Nuss by other parties in one or more of the above formats.
Nuss will not collect information without the consent of the individual concerned, notwithstanding that a request for a quote or an instruction to Nuss to proceed with delivering a service will be regarded as implied consent for the collection of such personal information necessary to carry out the task.
2 Uses and Disclosure
Information collected by Nuss will ONLY be used for purposes of its business, being the reason for which it was collected.
Nuss will pass relevant information on to business partner companies and/or service suppliers to enable them to carry out services on behalf of Nuss if and when applicable.
Secondary Purpose
Nuss will only disclose information about an individual for a purpose (defined in the Act as a secondary purpose) where the secondary purpose is directly related to the primary purpose of collection AND an individual would reasonably expect Nuss to use or disclose such information for the secondary purpose.
An example of this would be the provision of details to the Human Resource Department of a corporate account where the individual is an employee of that corporate account, the service rendered is to be paid for by that account and where the information provided will enable the account to more effectively monitor the service(s) being provided; typically this information would be provided electronically via a secure web site and/or through the transmission of spread sheets.
Nuss may use the information from time to time to create mailing lists which would enable Nuss to inform individuals of services which may be of interest to them. When Nuss undertakes any such mailing (whether by post, email, fax or other form), they will ensure that clear instructions are provided within it to enable the Individual to request that their name be removed from such mailing lists should they so wish. Any such mailing list would remain at all times within the control of Nuss and will not be given, bartered or sold to any third party.
3 Data Quality
Nuss will do its best to ensure that the information gathered and stored is accurate and up to date; in most cases this information being obtained from the individual concerned.
Information held can be corrected simply by contacting the Privacy Administrator at Nuss (details below) to request that the information be corrected.
4 Data Security
Nuss takes all reasonable measures to ensure that personal information held is protected from loss, misuse un authorised access, modification or disclosure. Information collected through the web is protected by passwords and user names. Internal data systems are protected by passwords, firewalls and other methods.
Nuss is prepared to change or modify its systems as necessary to maintain the integrity of its data security.
5 Openness
Nuss will maintain and update as required a Privacy Policy. This policy document will be available upon request to any individual or corporate account requesting it. This document will explain Nuss policy regarding the management of personal information. On request by an individual or corporate account, Nuss will take all reasonable steps (in the form of the Nuss Privacy Policy document) to advise what sort of information it holds, for what purpose and how it holds, uses and discloses that information.
6 Access and Correction
Where Nuss holds personal information about an individual, that individual may request access to it and in most cases that access will be granted (access being given to the extent that it is permitted by the law and is not frivolous). Any request for access must be made in writing (for security purposes) addressed to the Nuss Privacy Administrator (contact details below).
If an individual discovers or suspects that information held is incorrect then a written request for correction addressed to the Nuss Privacy Administrator should be made; Nuss will then take reasonable steps to investigate and correct the information held. Should Nuss not agree that the information is inaccurate then the individual concerned may request that a written statement from them explaining their position be associated with the Nuss records.
7 Identifiers
For the purpose of this policy and the Act, identifier means any reference number, file number or code issued by any government or agency. Nuss will not use any official identifier for its own purposes but will issue its own internal identifier (unique file reference number); where Nuss has access to any official identifier it will only use it to the extent required by law (for example the provision of a passport number to customs administrators) or where the use of that identifier is essential for the provision of the service contracted for. (Neither a name nor an ABN number is regarded as being an identifier).
8 Anonymity
The Act provides for individuals to have the option of not identifying themselves when entering into transactions with Nuss if it is practicable; the nature of the services provided by Nuss are such that it is not practicable for Individuals to not identify themselves.
9 Transborder Data Flows
The nature of the services provided by Nuss requires that certain personal information be provided to business partner organisations and/or government agencies in foreign countries. Nuss will only provide information necessary to enable it to effectively carry out the services, which it is contracted to provide, or information, which it is legally obliged to provide. Nevertheless, Nuss will take all reasonable steps to ensure that it only deals with reputable organisations overseas.
10 Sensitive Information
Sensitive information will not be collected or stored by Nuss unless the holding and use of this information is essential to enable them to deliver their services. Such information will not be held or disclosed unnecessarily.
Enquiries and Complaints
If any individual feels that Nuss has failed to meet its legal obligations then they should notify the Nuss Privacy Administrator in writing; the Nuss Privacy Administrator will as a matter of urgency investigate and where appropriate rectify any breach of its obligations.
An individual has the right to contact the Office of the Australian Privacy Commissioner with any complaint about acts or omission on the part of Nuss in respect to its obligations under the Act; Nuss undertakes to take all reasonable steps to resolve any such issue.
Nuss Privacy Administrator
PO Box 107 Roseville NSW 2066
Tel. +61 (0) 2 9425 4600, Fax +61 (0) 2 9427 2956
Written and authorised by:
RJ Nuss Removals Pty Ltd. Updated 28 September 2009